Inspiration Engine

Gift ideas for anyone, generated in seconds.

Gift ideas dilemma

Are you tired of the same old gift recommendations that don't quite hit the mark?

Are you struggling to come up with fresh ideas for your wish list?

Look no further!

We've heard it all so many times, "I can't think what I want!". So we decided to revolutionise the way you find and create wish lists with our innovative "Inspiration Engine".

We provide personalised gift ideas based on your hobbies and interests, in seconds!

What do you want for your birthday?

Personalized gift ideas in seconds

Getting started with the Inspiration Engine
Getting started with the Inspiration Engine.

Imagine having a personal shopper who understands your unique hobbies and interests, and can also take your age into account.

Our Inspiration Engine does just that! Tell us a little about yourself, and we'll provide you with a personalised list of gift ideas that are as unique as you are.

Whether you're an outdoor adventurer, a tech enthusiast, a bookworm, or anything in between, we've got you covered.

It also works great for other people too, whether it's your friend who's into cooking, your niece who loves art, or your spouse with a passion for gardening, we can provide personalised gift ideas for anyone.

No sign-up required

We believe in making your gifting experience as easy and hassle-free as possible, that's why we decided from the beginning to drop any requirement to create an account or share personal information to start using our service. Just hop on our website or use our app, and let the magic begin.

Seamless wish list creation

Once you've found your perfect gift ideas, with just one click you can add them to your new wish list.

No more jotting down items on paper or struggling to remember what you wanted.

Plus, our platform prevents you from receiving duplicates by allowing your friends and family to reserve the items they want to gift you.

Unbiased and independent

Unlike other platforms that push products from specific stores, we give you the freedom to add anything from anywhere.

Your wish list is entirely your own, and we're here to make it shine.

If you wish to add links to specific products and websites that's entirely up to you.

Share the joy

Sharing your gift ideas and wish lists has never been easier.

Use our handy share buttons at the bottom of your suggested gift ideas to show others how amazing the service is.

Once you've created your wish list, see the Share section to send it to loved ones to find the perfect gift for you.

How does it work?

Tell Us About You: Enter your hobbies, interests, age, and any special occasion, like a birthday or holiday. All fields are optional and we're not collecting any personal information.

Get Personalized Gift Ideas: Our Inspiration Engine instantly generates a list of gift suggestions tailored just for you.

Create Your Wish List: Add your favorite items to your new wish list with a single click.

Share Your Wish List: Let friends and family reserve items from your wish list to ensure you receive thoughtful and unique gifts.

Make gifting a joy, not a chore

With our Inspiration Engine, you'll never have to stress about finding the perfect gift or answering the question, "What do you want?" ever again.

Say goodbye to generic gift guides and hello to a world of personalised gifting experiences - for you and your loved ones.

Try it now and make your wishes come true!